Simple Living, Creativity, Community and Change

Simple Living, Creativity, Community and Change

I’ve been sitting with this post for a while, wondering how to share some deeply personal news about what’s currently happening in my life. I’m in the middle of a huge change, which feels surreal—like a dream coming true. But there’s so much more to it than just the excitement of starting fresh. This change is filled with a lot of mixed emotions, and if I’m being honest, some grief. How I’ve gotten here involves burnout, tough decisions, and a lot of letting go.

I’ve recently revamped this blog around the themes of Simple Living, Creativity, and Community, and now, in the middle of this big transition, these values are taking on even greater significance. This shift is forcing me to declutter, purge, and focus on only the most essential things from my old life. It’s all part of the simplicity I’ve been striving for, but it also feels bittersweet—like closing a chapter I’m not entirely ready to end.

Mural "A New Dawn": Art by Nico Cathcart
Ari Calos and Nherie Tellado, models for the mural 

For the past five years, I’ve lived in a small city, rebuilding my life after a separation and divorce. The last two years have been particularly challenging—financially and emotionally—especially with the economy and the job market not working in my favor. It became clear that staying wasn’t an option anymore. The decision to embrace this change isn’t one I’ve made lightly, but it’s one that has to be made.

What I didn’t anticipate is how this huge change is pushing me to confront not just the physical clutter, but the emotional baggage of the past few years. I’m currently in the process of sorting through everything—letting go of things that no longer serve me and only keeping the bare necessities and a few sentimental mementos. It’s been both painful and a bit of a relief. I’ve had to part with not just belongings, but pieces of my old identity.

This process is making me realize that Simple Living isn’t just a concept for organizing my space; it’s a mindset. Right now, I’m living it in real-time—stripping away the unnecessary, decluttering my mind as much as my home, and creating space for something new.

Photo by Paweł Kosmala

As much as I’m looking forward to the fresh start this change represents, it’s also coming on the heels of burnout. I’ve been pushing through so much—financial strain, emotional fatigue, and the constant feeling of being stuck in survival mode. This huge change, though necessary, feels like the final chapter of this struggle before I can step into something new.

Simple Living is helping me navigate this, reminding me that I don’t need to carry everything with me—physically or emotionally. As I sort through my life, I’m reminded to be intentional about what comes with me into this next phase. There’s something deeply healing about letting go of the old to make space for the new.

Craft Design & Art by Nherie Tellado

Even in the middle of this huge transition, Creativity continues to be my anchor. Crafting, writing, and creating have always been my way of processing the big emotions, and this change is no different. My creative projects are taking on new meaning, offering me small moments of calm and clarity amid the chaos of packing and saying goodbye.

Right now, creativity is not just about making something beautiful; it’s about finding beauty in the mess, in the in-between spaces. I’m using it to heal, to process, and to stay grounded as I move forward. I want this blog to continue reflecting that—how creativity can help us through life’s biggest changes, even when we don’t have everything figured out yet.

Photo by Alexander Suhorucov

One of the hardest parts of this transition is leaving behind the community I’ve built over the past five years. Even though life in my small city wasn’t always easy, I found support and connections that kept me grounded as I navigated both the challenging and good times. Now, as I move forward, I’m reminded of how important Community is—and how it’s something we can build, even in times of uncertainty.

I’m grateful for the community I have here on this blog, and I hope that by sharing these experiences, I can connect with others who are also going through big changes. Community doesn’t have to be something we leave behind; it’s something we can take with us and rebuild wherever we go.

Photo by Ena Marinkovic

I’m still very much in the middle of this process—sorting through everything, making arrangements, and processing the emotions that come with such a big change. There’s still a lot of uncertainty, and I’m learning to be okay with that. Life is rarely a straight path, and this shift, though it feels like a fresh start, is also a continuation of everything I’ve been working toward.

I want to keep sharing what this journey looks like, not just in the big moments, but in the small, everyday choices that reflect Simple Living, Creativity, and Community. I’m not sure what the next few weeks or months will look like, but I’m embracing the idea that it’s okay to be a work in progress. Thank you for being here with me through all of it.

Things to Note During My Transition:

  • I will continue to post here on the blog, but it might not be as frequent. That’s why I encourage you to check out the Simple Living, Creativity, and Community pages, where you can find ideas and resources I'm exploring during this transition.
  • I’ve taken a break from some social media platforms (and temporarily deactivated a few), but you can stay in touch through my Linktree account, which I’ll update at least once a month.
  • I’ll also be pausing the newsletter for a while, but I’m still collecting email addresses. For those interested in the new version when I resume writing, go to my contact page for guidance.
  • If you need to get in touch with me, just follow the instructions on the contact page.
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