What Letting Go Looks Like: A Personal Reflection on Release and the Journey Forward

What Letting Go Looks Like: A Personal Reflection on Release and the Journey Forward

This month, at the start of my personal new year, something that could happen to anyone at any time became significant to me. While I was distracted trying to multitask cooking and remote work during a tense moment, I inadvertently left a pot of boiling water on the stove. This oversight resulted in a chaotic turn of events, culminating in a small kitchen stovetop fire. Fortunately, there was no significant damage, but I did sustain burns on my left hand, necessitating a trip to the ER. After a week or so, my physical injuries healed, though I bear a few scars that will likely fade over time.

However, the emotional and mental toll lingered. I took several days off from my usual work routines to reset and rest. During this period, I intentionally set aside concerns about bills, work obligations, and even creative pursuits that required manual dexterity, such as my crafts at Create Season Studio. Instead, I spent much of the time on the couch, watching comforting movies and reflecting on the lessons to be gleaned from this disruption.

In the quiet moments, clarity emerged—I needed to let go of something. 

ROMAN ODINTSOV - Photography (pexels.com)

It became apparent that the distraction stemmed from a particular aspect of my work. Despite intuition nudging me in this direction, I had been holding on due to its role in supplementing my income over the years. Nonetheless, I acknowledged that it was time to release it, recognizing that growth had stagnated in that area.

While it may seem counterintuitive to relinquish a source of income, especially in today's economic climate, there comes a point when a role has served its purpose. I embraced the peaceful realization that moving on was necessary for my personal and professional growth. Although occasional concerns about filling the income gap arose, I redirected my focus to the opportunities and space I had created for new ventures, some of which had already begun to materialize.

| Also Read: Managing My Emotions About The Economy

How I Processed Letting Go in This Moment

This experience prompted me to reflect on the process of recognizing when to let go and reposition oneself for what aligns with the present moment—a path that may diverge from conventional expectations. 

Trusting intuition, even in the absence of tangible evidence, is essential. 

It's about sensing when something isn't quite right or when there's a longing for something more fulfilling. Intuition isn't solely about avoiding danger but also about prompting us to consider alternative paths.

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In my case, this incident served as a wake-up call, urging me to reassess my habits and priorities. 

Photo by Content Pixie

Here's What I'm Doing Differently: 

I've since adopted a mindful approach to cooking, ensuring that I remain fully present in the moment. Additionally, I've recognized the importance of aligning my tasks with my natural rhythm and creative flow, rather than adhering rigidly to predetermined plans. 

After a few weeks of adopting this approach, I feel calmer and less tense in the kitchen. I no longer feel the rush to run off mid-cooking to check on a task because this version of my tension no longer exists.

When it comes to concerns about income, I'm often reminded that something always comes through when I need it.

Reflecting on the time I wrote "Losing Income Is the Worst," I had already endured a long season of navigating minimal income while trying to maintain my creative enthusiasm. This is why this blog is so crucial to me. With this in mind, I've prepared a path that others can journey through, helping them sift through the noise and focus on what serves them best in their current season of life.

Whenever I find myself in a new season, it's simply life's way of offering me a fresh perspective to continue trailblazing through. I'll admit, it was difficult to accept at first, but as time passes, the more I reassess, let go, and fine-tune my intuition, changes and apparent stagnation become less daunting.

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Finding Clarity Through Intuitive Urges

Lastly, I want to address the recovery time that took place in my living room on the couch for about a week, which I believe is just as much a part of this story and perhaps the most important aspect. Just the day before the kitchen mishap, I experienced an urgent intuitive urge to complete an organizational and visual decluttering of items on my work desk and invest in getting a large visual painting for an adjacent wall—something that had been nagging at me internally for several months. 

Note: I am currently rereading a book from my book club list called "The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify" by Francine Jay

The nudge was so urgent that after I checked the budget to ensure I could allocate funds for this small project, I went to a nearby store and came back to tackle the two spaces. I immediately felt content with the results: clearer space and a large visual of two white lawn chairs staring out at a vibrant beach and ocean—my instinct wanted water and the color blue somehow incorporated into the space.

I strongly believe that the urge to create preceded the mishap for a reason, and while recovering, reflecting, and realigning my priorities, I was able to look upon the oceanic view of the painting and cleared desk space without that nagging feeling lingering. I was able to focus solely on healing in the moment.

7 Current Activities I'm Engaged In

Photo by Vlada Karpovich

With all of this in mind, I didn't want to leave this here without sharing exactly how I'm using the time I have now to prepare for the next season. Some of these practices are still explorative, while others are part of my practical routine. This is just a few things and I only engage in a handful of them each day, not all at once.

✅Decluttering and reorganizing one space at a time - currently, I'm in the midst of revamping my closet. If you love to shop second hand, I'm clearing out home decor, accessories, books and a handful of clothing items, just check out my Shop List on this blog.

✅Generating more writing and topic ideas for both the blog and my YouTube channel.

✅Design new crafts with spring in mind- immersing myself in creative projects is therapeutic.

✅Reviewing and adjusting my budgeting strategies for the upcoming season.

✅Exploring opportunities for outdoor activities - my first venture out this year was attending Shamrock the Block in Richmond

✅Accepting the current flow of work, as is while realigning myself with new opportunities.  

✅Prioritizing rest over work without feeling guilty.

As I navigate this new approach, it's a departure from the frantic pace that led to the kitchen mishap. Embracing a slower, more intentional way of living feels daunting at times. Yet, I've learned to trust my intuition, guiding me towards prioritizing rest and creativity. This journey, though uncertain, is a testament to the resilience of intuition and the courage to embrace change.

Have you ever experienced a moment where trusting your intuition led to a positive outcome? 

Here are some actions you can take next:

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  • Stop by my YouTube channel by handle @lalocreativity where I share life, creativity and intuitive tips connected to a thriving creative journey.
  • Visit my Shop List page for current offerings and items for purchase that I think you'll enjoy.  


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