10 Random Ways I've Improved My Personal Wellness

10 Random Ways I've Improved My Personal Wellness

Since publishing "Reflections on Health & Wellness: A Year in Review" I've continued to make changes to my eating habits—a journey I'm both proud of and open to share.

In today's world of wellness, I've learned to understand that everyone has their own unique needs and goals. Some people focus on losing weight, others on keeping it off or building strength, and some just want a healthier relationship with food. All these goals are important, and I truly believe that no one's goals are better or more important than anyone else's.

My personal wellness journey began by focusing on my mental and emotional health. I realized that years of just trying to survive had made me lose touch with my inner feelings. So, I decided to work on reconnecting with myself and healing. This reconnection proved to be crucial in guiding me towards actions that improved my overall well-being.

As I made progress in taking care of my mental well-being, I started paying more attention to my physical health too. I noticed that one thing I could work on was cutting back on sugar. I didn't cut it out completely because I know it's important for my body, but I made a conscious effort to eat less of it. I tried out different foods and recipes that were better for me and helped me avoid getting caught in stress-related cycles.

I also made sure to focus on staying hydrated, which sometimes wasn't easy. But I found ways to make it work by drinking more water and incorporating other hydrating drinks like tea, coffee, and milk into my routine. I also made sure to eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables, which helped me stay hydrated and feel better overall.

It's these small adjustments that, over time, yield significant results.

In the following sections, I'll provide real-life examples of the changes I've implemented, all while maintaining enjoyment in the foods I love.

Julia Sakelli - Photography (pexels.com)

1. Choosing black coffee over creamers.

If my breakfast already had a sweeter component, my coffee is usually black, or I'll add a little bit of plain milk to cut through the natural bitterness. This approach allows me to enjoy a sweeter breakfast and my coffee without the overload of sweeteners in the morning. Also, not having coffee on an empty stomach, in general, works best for me.

Also Read: The 10 best foods to enjoy with your coffee in the morning (yorktest.com)

2. Not drinking orange juice first thing in the mornings.

Years ago, I used to have orange juice on an empty stomach first thing in the mornings. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it can be detrimental for those of us predisposed to diseases like diabetes, especially if it runs in the family— which it does on both sides of mine. After a round of blood tests a couple of years back, although not diagnosed with the disease, I found myself riding a fine line. This could help explain those orange juice habits; they felt good, but they were a result of not properly nourishing my body with the right intake of foods, potentially leading to a habit that could have contributed to diabetic symptoms. Thankfully, I had already adjusted the habit and opted to no longer buy orange juice. Occasionally, I'd buy apple juice instead.

| Also Read: Best Fruit Choices for Diabetes | ADA

Photo By: Nherie Tellado

3. Having a go-to fruit for snack cravings.

Having a go-to fruit for snack cravings is a simple yet effective strategy for maintaining a healthy diet. For me, that fruit is the apple. Year-round, it serves as my ultimate snack companion. Whether enjoyed with a dollop of peanut butter, paired with cheese, or savored alone, biting into a crisp apple always brings satisfaction. What's more, apples are packed with fiber, aiding in digestion and keeping me feeling full for longer periods. By opting for an apple as my sweet snack choice, I steer clear of the excess processed sugars found in many other treats. 

Also Read: 10 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples (healthline.com)

4. Limiting alcohol consumption to special occasions or abstaining entirely.

One could argue about the definition of "special occasions." In my case, I spontaneously stopped buying wine for my home over a year ago. It began as an item that never made it past the budgeting phase. Ensuring healthy eating habits was my top priority. If I do consume alcohol, it's typically on a special occasion or when going out—which, if averaged out, occurs about once a month. This change wasn't planned; it just happened naturally, and I found I didn't care to have alcohol readily available at home. This unplanned change has been a significant victory for me. Let's face it, alcohol isn't great for the body, especially when consumed frequently and in large quantities. So, it felt right to no longer allocate funds for it in my budget.

Photo By: Nherie Tellado

5. Focusing on breakfast and dinner for a complete, balanced meal intake.

The three-meals-a-day mantra wasn't cutting it for me. I needed more sustenance! Incorporating several snacks between meals made me realize that lunch wasn't as crucial for my energy and hunger cues as breakfast and dinner, so that's where I put my focus. When making my grocery list, breakfast items take top priority, while I plan two dinner ideas for the week that can be stretched into multiple meals. Are there occasions when dinner consists of cereal? Absolutely! But I consider it a satisfying meal and move on.

6. Implementing a cheat day or cheat meal.

What matters most to me in this practice is being mindful of what, when, and why I'm eating. There have been days when I felt emotionally triggered and decided it was okay to indulge in a meal that might not be considered healthy. If I didn't feel my best afterward, at least I understood why. From there, I would adjust my next meal or choose to return to my healthier snack options. Shame surrounding food, whether due to food insecurity or the differing opinions of others with different goals than mine, no longer dictates my eating and nutritional choices. This is an area where I believe our current wellness culture has let us down. Shame and food do not go hand in hand. Mindfulness is key to overcoming this.

7. Choosing milk in between water, over other beverages.

Choosing milk over other beverages outside of water, has become a beneficial habit for me. While this may not be suitable for those who are lactose intolerant, incorporating milk into my daily consumption has proven helpful. After learning about milk's effectiveness as a hydration source, I began drinking a few cups a day. This not only helps curb sugar cravings but also balances meals and leaves me feeling refreshed and hydrated between meals.

| Also Read: Hydration Benefits of Milk, According to Dietitians (eatingwell.com)

Alongside my new dietary habits, I incorporate a few additional personal health tips.

8. Alternating between indoor and outdoor activities.

A year and a half ago, a tragic incident occurred in my neighborhood—a young girl was killed while riding her bike. This senseless act shook me deeply, prompting me to reassess my safety and outdoor activities. Despite owning a bike for optional exercise, I decided to temporarily pause on riding outdoors to process my feelings of safety. Instead, I focused on incorporating physical activity into my outdoor errands and activities, even on days when staying home felt best. Over time, I gradually resumed outdoor ventures, including trips to nearby cities, to regain a sense of safety and social connection. This approach has been beneficial in balancing indoor and outdoor activities. Today, I consider any form of movement as exercise, which has helped me shed the shame of not always adhering to a conventional fitness regimen. Just as my creativity thrives with flexibility, I've learned that my routines benefit from having optional choices.

Photo By Nherie

9. Resting and taking breaks often has become essential for me.

A recent personal accident highlighted the importance of minimizing distractions and staying focused on my wellness and healing journey by avoiding multitasking. This shift was challenging after years of striving, surviving, and dealing with anxiety. It became clear that I needed to let go of certain things and prioritize my own life, wellness, and happiness over others. I embraced a new approach to change and transitions, recognizing that taking breaks, ensuring enough sleep, and pausing for extended breaks are crucial for overall well-being and functioning effectively as a human.

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10. Supplementing with vitamins and managing allergies.

I don't delve deeply into this aspect of wellness because I'm not a dietitian. However, after working with one for a few months last year, I continue to experiment with different types of vitamins, adjusting them seasonally. This year, I'm focusing on relieving allergy symptoms, taking vitamin C, and maintaining a daily multivitamin. In the past, I used to stress over following all the advice in the wellness space. Then, I realized that while the wellness community means well, there are numerous factors influencing how individuals manage their wellness. Factors such as budget, dietary needs, starting points, and goals all play significant roles in determining which supplements suit their lifestyle. For now, this approach works for me.

My Final Thoughts

What I initially perceived as a rigid routine has evolved into a more practical approach to wellness. With each passing month, I find myself becoming more adept at listening to my body and emotions and responding to my needs based on how I feel and what I believe I require. While I'm open to advice, I've also learned to discard strategies that didn't resonate with me or felt overly complicated.

Wellness isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor. The true measure of success in your wellness journey lies in witnessing your improvement compared to when you first began.

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